
Go tell it!!~~

This friday is really amazing! I finally could do PI (read : pekabaran Injil) with my bestie, Yuliana. We did that together, thanks to God's bless, to three boys, age of which are around 8-11 years old. Those three boys are newspapers sellers in my campus. First, we asked just one person of them whom we firstly met. I decided to buy him a cake while Yuli bought his newspapers. But then I saw his other friend and bought him too. oh ya, the first boy was Jovan, while the second one was Fajar. We first asked them about their daily life, how come they sell newspapers and try to 'enter' the main topic with question related to lie. Then, we knew that they are all Christian. It made me braver to ask them about Jesus; who actually Jesus is, as they know. Their answer is actually as what Christian people must say.
Oh yaa we asked them if they went to church every SUnday. After that, one boy came. His name is Joel and he is cousin of Jovan. The conversation to enter main topice started from that, I thought. One of them said that he rarely went to church because his friends in the church always mocked him. Well, Yuli and I started to explain from that of why actually Christian goes to church. We told them again Jesus', our God, being crossed for our sin so that we should not be punished to death and be able to be in Heaven. They said they have ever been told about that. Yuli added that if they believe in Jesus, did what He said, prayed to Him, what they wanted could be fulfilled. Well, actually, at that time, Yuli and I were quite hesitant whether they could understand; this is our first time to do PI towards little boys. Thanks God they are Christian, at least they have known about Jesus. But we did not end there! We planned to follow up them next week and I wish we can continually meet every Friday afternoon. We require them to go church and not to care about their arrogant friends.

I am really happy yet sad at the same time. I don't know why, but when I tried to explain about Jesus being crossed as an exchange of our-MY-sin, my tears flew down. Their life-stories are sad but I dont think that's enough to make me cry. Well, I actually can't help to cry every time I remember about Jesus sacrifying in cross... It reminds me how good He is and how bad, weak I am...

Arkkhhhh. Suddenly labile! but, being labile due to this thing is not wrong, right? =)

Go tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain,
Our Jesus Christ is born.

When I was a seeker
I sought both night and day,
I asked the Lord to help me,
And he showed me the way.

Go tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain,
Our Jesus Christ is born.

He made me a watchman
Upon a city wall,
And if I am a Christian,
I am the least of all.

Go tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain,
Our Jesus Christ is born.


  1. sedih ngebacanya :(
    di sini ga da temen yg sepeduli kalian. sekali pun Kristen, karena terbiasa dgn life style orang berada, jadi rada ga da jiwa sosial, masa bodo aja.
    aaa temen2 di sini banyakan yg payah soal jiwa sosial yg sebenernya. sibuk sama dunia sendiri, it's all about their own life.
    hari-hariku kerasa useless, ga produktif, ga da pengalaman-pengalaman bermakna kaya gini, semuanya cuma berisi seneng-seneng, ketawa-ketawa. dgn pemikiran yg jauh ke depan dan luas kaya gini, yg ga sejalan sama kebanyakan temenku, aku merasa jenuh dan useless, ga da temen utk berbagi pemikiran soal dunia luar.
    sedih ga sih tin?

  2. frithaaaaaaaaaaaaa senang mendengar kabarmuuuuu caiangkuuuuuuuu!
    iya sih, aku jg bakal ngerasa sedih fri klo ada di posisimu.
    hmmm, di situ tantanganmu, fri. sebagai orang Kristen yg punya jiwa sosial yg tinggi, mendingan kau inisiatif aja ajak mereka buat peduli. misalnya pas kau jalan ama mereka trus kau lihat anak yg lg ngemis, kau ajak mereka ngobrol trus bawa temen2mu nimbrung juga. ato kalo kalian curhat, kau selipin aja soal perasaanmu ngelihat keadaan orang2 di luar sana yang ga sebaik kehidupan kalian gitu.
    semangaat frithaaa! ayo peduli ama anak2! banyak yg mau aku ceritakan sebenarnya =(((((((

  3. iya, aku udah mulai berbagi pemikiran sama dua orang temen yg mau ngedengerin hal2 di luar hidup sehari2 kaya gitu. baru dua orang sih, karena mereka yg paling sering main ke tempatku.
    kalo ada dalam kumpulan gitu, susah kan berbagi pemikiran, karena semuanya pada mau ngomong, "kalo gue", "kalo gue", semuanya "kalo gue". kadang jenuh dgn obrolan yg gitu2 aja.
    ada esensinya memang, berbagi pengalaman, tapi yah, berbagi pengalaman ga selalu berbagi pemikiran, karena pengalaman ya seputar itu2 aja, seputar hidup masing2, bukan hidup yg ada di luar sana.
    tapi yah, senggaknya ternyata aku punya temen yg mau ngebuka pikirannya buat hal2 tentang dunia luar.
