
Some Things I'd explain before you read

Recently some people I know read my blog. It's not a problem actually. I thank God that this trashy thing can get their attention. But... I feel uncomfortable. Knowing people close to you reading these make me feel like being watched and I can't even write as freely, as flowing, as before since the content of this blog become more personal day by day...

I dont mind if people stop here and read this. Cause if I do, I would lock this page or perhaps I would never publish this in my social media network. But please, make sure I dont know who actually the readers are. And please, dont talk to me directly about the things written in this blog. I feel like being judged hahahaha.

Sorry and Thanks =)


Mau Buat Lomba Tapii...

Internet. Siapa yang gak kenal di zaman serba technology-oriented seperti sekarang? Lebih tepatnya mungkin... siapa yang gak pernah make? Hampir seluruh masyarakat dunia tahu dan pasti pernah make. Makenya buat macem-macem, ada yang buat nyari temen lewat facebook, ngeshare berita lewat blog, nyari-nyari informasi, yah, banyak lah.
Gue sendiri termasuk salah satu pengguna internet buat kegiatan yang macem-macem. Paling sering sih kalo gue internetan, gue buka social media kayak facebook atau twitter. Dan karena gue suka nulis, gue juga make internet sebagai sarana buat ngebagiin pemikiran dan cerita-cerita gue. Selain itu, gue jug asering make internet buat nyari informasi dan data buat tugas (wajib banget ni buat mahasiswa!).
Internet tu bisa dibilang mempengaruhi banyak aspek di kehidupan gue. Bayangin aja, gue banyak ketemu teman-teman lama zaman gue SD tu ya lewat facebook. Gue bisa tahu informasi-informasi seputar artis favorit gue lewat fanpage mereka di facebook. Belum lagi kalo mereka punya twitter, beuh, berasa ga ada jarak banget ama mereka, padahal mereka tu artis yang biasa gue liat di TV, majalah, dan media publikasi lain.
Dan gue termasuk orang yang suka mencurahkan pemikiran, perasaan, dan imajinasi gue dengan tulisan. Cuman kadang, gue bingung ni tulisan mau gue apain. Bisa sih kirim ke majalah, tapi, mungkin karena gue orangnya pesimis, kans buat dimunculin di majalah kecil. Mana kadang isi tulisan gue cenderung subjektif lagi, jadilah gue ga percaya diri. Tapi dengan adanya blog kayak gini, gue bisa nge-publish tulisan gue dengan mudah, tanpa harus pake tahap seleksi dari orang lain. Belum lagi bikin blog tu mudah, gratis, ga rebek, dan mudah buat dipromosiin ke temen-temen gue juga buat dibaca. Gue juga merasa lebih bebas berekspresi lewat tulisan di blog gue, karena gue ga harus menetapkan satu tema tertentu. Yah, sesuai dengan kondisi pikiran dan hati lah. Tapi tetep, gue nulis dalam koridor kesopanan. Hoho.
Yang mungkin saat ini paling berasa banget adalah ketika gue berhadapan dengan banyak tugas, secara gue mahasiswa, yang butuh informasi yang banyak namun harus selesai dalam waktu singkat. Teori emang ada di buku, tapi buat ngerjain tugas yang modelnya kasus, kadang perlu informasi-informasi tambahan. Keberadaan internet bener-bener ngebantu banget soal hal ini. Gue ga perlu ngubek-ngubek tumpukan koran buat nyari informasi tambahan sehubungan kasus yang mau gue kerjain. Ga perlu keluar duit juga buat nyamperin si pemberi informasi. Tinggal klik Om Google, search, voila! muncul deh list informasi yang diperluin. Belakangan ini gue juga jarang beli koran, soalnya ga sempet and kalopun beli, ga dibaca juga. Adanya internet ngebantu gue buat selalu update ama berita-berita ataupun gosip yang terjadi di negara tercinta ini atau bahkan di seluruh dunia. Huraaaay! hemat banget lagi, kan, dan praktis.
Makanya, internet tuh uda bikin hidup gue Xlangkah lebih maju


How to spell hypocrite?

Hmmm... hello there!
It's been about two months after my last post, that horrible post. Lol.
I'm now in Depok and after these two months so many things happened. One of unexpectedly joyful thing is that I met these four kids named Ahut, Judith, Kevin, and Susi. They're my apipa-s (Red : anggota pengabaran Injil lewat pendalaman Alkitab). We've learned about the fall of humans which separated us from God, the bridge to go back to God, who is Jesus, and things we do as our thanksgiving for being united with God again. They're so nice and each has different characters.
And after PIPA's finished, there are some times left before they go to their own small group. Actually I feel like having a will to be PKK of Kevin, because I'm quite responsible for making him join small group. Like... I've promised him something that I can't even make sure it will happen. But yeah... let God work for this case. I just hope each of my apipas will get a pkk who can give them right teachings about God and also love.
Then I failed my mid test. ALL kind of mid term; be it my Japanese mid test and also my campus mid test. I am also in big trouble now. I hesitate to study human resource management more deeply. You know, I think I am in my darkest time rite now; I cant imagine how my future will be; I cant even DREAM. No...
And the biggest irony , recently, is that I tried to do my best in my service to God; being a good MC on Friday worshiping, singing well as a singer, writing an article for the weekly bulletin, being a caring PPIPA for my APIPA but I messed my personal life.
I still thank God that I'm forgiven, after all mess I've done.
But the most difficult thing is to be forgiven by... my own self.
This random letter is so hahaha.