
Favorite daily quotes~~

"Nikmatilah disiplin rohani sebagai relasi yang hidup dengan Allah." (Kak Vivi)

(Enjoy doing spritual discipline as an alive relation with God)

*disiplin rohani includes praying, quiet time, meditation, and so forth.

It seems so long I do not enjoy my quiet time.
What the preacher said in this friday-worshipping was really really knocking me out. I wonder if God send her to give me some lessons about what is actually the main point of my doing quiet time. I even wonder if God, through event division, wants to tell me about how He does not need me to do quiet time just to show my face to Him without meaning.
God, through His words written in Bible, wants to keep me far away from danger, sin. He wants to show His love and shows the right path for me to walk on. He wants to have a close relationship with me.
Praying, doing quiet time are ones of His ways. For a long time, I thought them as my burden which is actually BIG NO!
Say YES to spiritual discipline!

"Itu semua tergantung ketahanan brainstorming kalian." (Kak Ella)

(All depends on how long you can survive to brainstorm)

*when MEDIKLIT met for the first time and talked about how to get the right title of an article.

That's just a simple sentence, but it is so memorable to me. Till now, I think God, through Kak Ella, wanted to tell me that I should not give up when I tried hard to think. Well, peeps, I am kind of people who is really lazy to think so deep (that is why if articles written here seemed so trashy kekekekek kidding!). I love writing a fictitious story and article but I have no willing to continue developing the idea; brainstorming idea deeper and deeper. Not only because of my laziness, but also my easily-distracted-mind. I would be ignorant in brainstorming if I found something more interesting and enjoyable.But that sentence from Kak Ella... I really thank God that I could hear it. Thanks God! Thanks Kak Ella! =)

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