

I feel good today! For your information I have been in Medan since three days ago and thanks God, I feel relieved I'm able to see all my family in good conditions ever since I left them about six months ago. I have planned to go to some places while I am in Medan, do enjoyable things during these 11 days like having my face a facial treatment, shopping, hanging out with mom, and giving my grandfather's stone a visit. =). I happen to think of hanging out with my buds here, but they are still busy with academic stuffs and new students in their university. so sad, it's quite impossible for having fun with them...

You know, one day before going to Medan, which was Saturday, I had a final exam for my Japanese level-1 course. I loved the test, really, though I can't be sure I can get 100% right from the score. But the test was really fun to do! I loved the listening part the most. I don't know why, but I just liked the accent of Japanese people in talking. it seems like every words they say is so important that they need to put a lot of spirit to say them all. But I am still stupid in doing kaiwa, Japanese conversation. I still cannot imitate their accent. hikshiks...

After finishing the test, I went out to meet my friend, Ibeth. I promised to accompany her to get some information about Mandarin course in LBI. While we were waiting at the lobby, I found some course students who asked for their certificates. They were Korean-course students. I guessed they have passed level 4, because only level 4-students can achieve certificates for studying language(s) in LBI. Well, that fact did not really amuse me until I heard them speak each other with Korean FLUENTLY WITHOUT PAUSE, LIKE THEY ARE REALLY KOREAN MEN! at first, I couldn't believe what I heard. I mean, as far as I know, Korean is really difficult to hear and to speak! but they... can! oh myy... I was so jealous that I could not stop admiring them in front of Ibeth. oohhhhh, I wondered if someday I can speak both Japanese and Korean as fluently as they can...

Well, enough for today. haha. as a closing statement, I want to write a little Japanese here that I know so far =)

Watashi wa hitori de ja arimasen! anata mo ja arimasen!
koibito imasen kedo, watashi wa taisetsu na hito ni imasu! anata mo imasu!

sorry for my bad Japanese! I try harder to improve!

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